WINNIPEG – Early Sunday morning a man from Fort Alexander recieves over $2500 in traffic tickts and is tased by officiers.
RCMP form Powerview were on patrol when an officer spotted two vehicles travelling at a high rate of speed along Highway 11 near Tipi Road. Radar clocked the vehicles in excess of 150 km/hr in a 70km/hr zone. The officer tried to pull over one of the vehicles, however the driver evaded RCMP by driving through a ditch, leaving the vehicle, and running on foot into the bush.
As other officers arrived the driver was quickly found. During the arrest, the 45 year-old man fused to comply with police resulting in a taser being deployed.
Rene Olaney, of Fort Alexander, was arrested and charged with the following crimes:
· Operate a Conveyance while Impaired
· Fail or Refuse to comply with a Breath Demand
· Fail to Stop Motor Vehicle when Being Pursued by Police
· Obstruction of a Police Officer
· Fraudulently Personate another person to avoid arrest.
In addition he was given four tickets under the Highway Traffic Act:
· Drive without a valid drivers licence- $298.00
· Drive without insurance $672.00
· Drive an unregistered vehicle $298.00
· Speeding 150km/hr in a 70 km/hr equals $1097.00
And one charge under the Liquor, Gaming Cannabis Control Act:
· Unlawful transportation of liquor in a motor vehicle- LGCC act- $237.00