A Winnipeg Man Goes Wild, Charged With Arson & Assaulting Police

Manitoba PostNews

WINNIPEG – A man who barricaded himself in a building on Jarvis Ave and then tried to escape, was arrested for arson and assaulting a police officer.

Late Friday afternoon, police responded to a man acting erratically and setting fires. When officers arrived the man ran into a suite and barricaded the door with various pieces of furniture. Officers forced the door open and the man fled out a window and scaled down to a ledge where he threw a small metal rod at an officer, striking him in the hand.

The man, kept going, he then climbed onto some nearby live power lines acting erratically as police and firefighters attempted to safely take the man into custody. He eventually climbed down on his own and was placed under arrest.

Police said the man a set several fires inside the building they first located him, causing a minor amount of damage.

Frederick Joseph Morrissett, a 42-year-old man from Winnipeg, has been charged with:

  • Arson with Disregard for Human Life
  • Mischief under $5,000/Obstruct in Enjoyment
  • Assault a Peace Officer with a Weapon