WINNIPEG – The heat warning for Winnipeg and southern Manitoba continues. Daytime highs into the 30’s will come with humidex values around 40.
There are many ways to stay cool during a heat wave like this but if you don’t, the risks are great. Especially for young children, pregnant women, older adults, people with chronic illnesses and people working or exercising outdoors.
You should rink plenty of water, even before you feel thirsty, and stay in a cool place.
Check on older family, friends and neighbours. Make sure they’re cool and drinking water.
Seek a cool place such as a tree-shaded area, swimming pool, shower or bath or air-conditioned spot like a public building.
Watch for the symptoms of heat illness like dizziness, fainting, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing and heartbeat, extreme thirst and decreased urination with unusually dark urine.
Keep your house cool, block the sun by closing the curtains or blinds.