WINNIPEG, MB. – The City of Winnipeg wants your thoughts on the back-in, angled parking stalls in a select part of the Exchange District.
The City started testing the back-in, angled parking stalls July 24, 2017 on the south side of Bannatyne Avenue between Rorie Street and Waterfront Drive to increase on-street parking spaces in the Exchange District.
The thought is that by changing the parallel parking stalls to back-in, angled parking, it would create 10 additional parking stalls in this section of Bannatyne.
The City did have an online survey during the summer months and is now asking for feedback on using back-in, angled parking in the winter through an online survey.
This is part of a City Council directive to explore on-street parking solutions, with the aim of increasing the available number of on-street parking spots in the Exchange District.
It is hoped the Public Service will provide a recommendation on back-in, angled parking in the spring.
Kevin Klein, Manitoba Post
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