STEINBACH, MB. – Headway, a program for at-risk youths and their families has received $50,000 from the province.
“Our government recognizes the positive effects that Headway and other similar programs are having on youth and families across the province,” said Stefanson. “These programs focus on developing plans to help individuals with their unique challenges and needs, ensuring that community partners come together and work toward long-term stability for them and their family.”
Headway focuses on at-risk youth aged 12 to 19 who live in the Hanover School Division, have complex challenges and are involved with multiple social service agencies. The program brings together the youth, their families and their service providers once a month to identify the root causes of their issues and then develop plans focused on long-term success, reducing negative behaviours, and improving health and wellness.
“This program is making a difference for young people and their families in Steinbach and the surrounding region,” said Goertzen. “Headway helps ensure youth can access all of the existing services and supports that might benefit them, in a co-ordinated and compassionate way.”
Stefanson noted community mobilization projects like Headway are an integral part of the province’s Criminal Justice System Modernization Strategy, which was released in March. It reflects the strategy’s focus on evidence-based investments to reduce crime and support community safety.
“We have the potential to change lives, and make our communities healthier and safer,” said Assistant Commissioner Scott Kolody, commanding officer of the RCMP in Manitoba. “The Headway program brings law enforcement together with municipalities and social agencies to find ways to assist youth at risk, and is a great example of how we can work together with our partners to provide support for youth, their families, and those most in need.”
Headway has been in place since 2016 and also receives funding and in-kind support from the Hanover School Division, Manitoba Child and Family Services, the RM of Hanover, the RCMP, local businesses and clubs, and private donations.
Headway is modelled after the successful Selkirk Team for At-Risk Teens (START) program, which has shown benefits for participating youth and their families. An evaluation of START found participating youth had improved school attendance or performance, established better living arrangements and family relationships, and connected with new community supports or services. Stakeholders also reported better collaboration and co-ordination, which benefitted the youth and resulted in more effective use of time and resources for participating agencies.
For more information about Headway,
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