WINNIPEG – It’s expected to be Manitoba’s largest online event of the year, with a busy schedule of events, concerts, pea soup, tourtiére, and, of course, maple syrup dipped in the snow, all showcased virtually. Winnipeg’s Festival du Voyageur is Hé-hoing forward to celebrate winter “joie de vivre” in the midst of a pandemic, with its 2021 program lineup moved largely onto online platforms rather than their usual outdoor venue at Voyageur Park.
Beginning on February 12, it features eight nights of live streamed videos and concerts featuring local francophone and Canadian musicians, and beard-growing, fiddling, and jigging competitions.
Not every event will involve a screen, though. Traditional take-home cuisine kits prepared by Promenade Café will be available, as well as cocktail kits – with ice glasses. While much of the celebration will be virtual, Winnipeg will also once again be decorated by snow sculptures during the Festival, this year totalling 30 across the city.