Manitoba Celebrates Earth Hour Tonight


WINNIPEG, MB – Earth Hour is Saturday, March 24 from 8:30 to 9:30 PM and the province is asking all Manitobans to participate.

“Participating in Earth Hour this Saturday and turning off your lights for one hour is easy, free and helps demonstrate the power of many people joining together to effect change.” said Minister Rochelle Squires.

Launched over a decade ago as an initiative of the World Wildlife Fund in Australia, Earth Hour encourages all citizens to think globally and act locally. Participants agree to turn off their lights between 8:30 and 9:30 PM to conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise awareness about environmental issues.

The Province said they will participate by turning off non-essential lights in government-owned buildings, including the Manitoba Legislature. All provincial employees are being asked to turn off computers, monitors and lights in workplaces before leaving at the end of the week and are invited to participate at home as well.

You can sign up and learn more about how this event is celebrated around the world, click here.

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