Multiple Firearms Seizures During Guns and Gangs Sweep

Manitoba Post StaffNews

WINNIPEG – Two people were charged with numerous firearm offences during the Guns and Gangs Unit’s crime suppression sweep in the area of Balmoral Street and Cumberland Avenue.

While in the area, members of the unit spotted a man on a bicycle darting in and out of traffic, narrowly avoiding collisions and causing motorists to swerve and brake.

Officers attempted to speak with hi, however, he fled the area on his bicycle.

A short time later, the same man was seen entering a yard on Maryland Avenue. The suspect lifted his bike and officer’s observed what appeared to be a weapon in his waistband. Upon police telling him to stop, he fled into a residence. Officer’s followed and took the male into custody. A female in the residence was identified and taken into custody.

Officer’s applied for and received a warrant to search the residence. During the search, the following was located:

11 improvised firearms (two loaded)

.22 calibre bolt action prohibited firearm with a sling

Numerous improvised firearm parts in various stages of completion

Various power tools used to manufacture improvised

Approximately 1 gram of methamphetamine valued at $50.00 Canadian

27 year-old Leslie Randolph Beaulieu, has been charged with:

Possession of a Prohibited or Restricted Firearm with Ammunition X3

Possession of a Firearm, Restricted/Prohibited Weapon or Ammunition Contrary to Prohibition Order X2

Weapons Trafficking

Possession of a Scheduled Substance-Methamphetamine

Krista Marie Roulette has been charged with:

Possession of a Firearm Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized

Fail to Comply with Recognizance X4

She was also arrested on an outstanding warrant for Fail to Attend Court.

Both have been detained at the Winnipeg Remand Centre.