Pet Owners More Focused on Pooch’s Comfort Than Power Saving

National News

VANCOUVER — A study commissioned by BC Hydro reveals most British Columbians believe they keep electricity consumption on a short leash, but when a pet is added to the family, those savings can end up in the dog house.

The report finds nearly three quarters of B.C. pet owners admit to leaving lights, electronics or heat on for their four−legged friends — a decision that can cost those owners up to $400 annually.

Survey results show heat is most frequently left on for pets, with 90 per cent of owners who choose their animal buddy’s comfort over energy savings saying they don’t dial down the thermostat.

Eighty−six per cent of owners say they leave lights on, while 59 per cent leave a fan running, 57 per cent don’t turn off air conditioning and almost half keep radio, music or television tuned for their dog or cat.

Of those owners who leave electronics on for pets, almost 20 per cent admit to recording a program specifically for Spot or Puff and owners who leave lights on say they do so for at least four hours every day.

BC Hydro says a two−degree drop in the thermostat will cut heating costs by about five per cent and still keep pets comfortable, while using smartphone−controlled light switches and energy−saving LED bulbs can slash lighting costs by 75 per cent.

The Canadian Press