RCMP National Youth Advisory Committee is Recruiting


The RCMP in D Division is recruiting youth for the RCMP’s 2018–19 National Youth Advisory Committee (NYAC)!

To apply, you must reside in Canada and be 13 to 21 years old. Applications must be received by September 7, 2018.

This is a great opportunity for young people to get involved in the conversation about community youth topics and solutions in Canada. NYAC members from all over the country interact online and discuss important issues that they face in their respective communities. They provide valuable input to the RCMP’s policies, programs and strategies.

“Youth are a priority for the RCMP,” says Sergeant Doug Lukawy of Community and Aboriginal Policing Programs with the Manitoba RCMP. “The NYAC ensures young people have a say in RCMP youth initiatives and programs so it’s important that Manitobans apply to ensure their voice is heard at the national level.”

NYAC members are eligible to receive reference letters and volunteer hours and, most importantly, they have an active role in shaping what the RCMP offers young people.

For all the details regarding this opportunity, visit the RCMP website, click here.