In conjunction with Waste Reduction Week, the Manitoba government has announced a new stewardship program plan for recycling end-of-life electronics.
‘Recycle My Electronics’ will accept computers, laptops, monitors, TVs, microwave ovens and other electronics that end up in landfills.
The Recycle My Electronics program is managed by the Electronic Products Recycling Association, which is one of Manitoba’s 12 industry-funded producer responsibility organizations responsible for the collection and proper disposal of a wide variety of designated materials, from packaging and printed paper to used motor oil and tires, household hazardous waste and empty beverage containers. More information about where to recycle these products can be found at
The province has approved a new five-year business plan for Recycle My Electronics, Squires said. The renewed plan is expected to extend program coverage to include 95 per cent of Manitoba’s population, and provide better accessibility in northern and remote communities.
In 2016, Recycle My Electronics diverted 3,430 tonnes of e-waste from landfills. More information on Recycle My Electronics programs and locations can be found at
Waste Reduction Week, which concludes Sunday, is held annually in the third week of October and plays an important role in raising awareness and engaging communities in sustainability initiatives. In 2018, Waste Reduction Week has a different focus each day. Sunday’s theme is e-waste recycling.