In an effort to help deal with drugs and other criminal activities, landlords will now have additional resources to help keep their tenants safe.
There are several ways that landlords and tenants can address public safety concerns with the support of the provincial government:
Since 2016, the PSI unit has responded to 435 complaints about properties with chronic, problematic behaviour. Of these, 425 were confirmed to have drug-related activity. Because of PSI investigations, 375 properties were closed.
“Police cannot deal with crime on their own and landlords need to be part of the solution,” said Sel Burrows, chair of the Point Douglas Residents Committee. “We are very pleased to work with the RTB and the province and that they’re committed to working with the community and landlords to speed the eviction process for tenants involved in criminal behaviour out of their rented property.”
Information about provincial resources for landlords and concerned community members has been developed in consultation with the Point Douglas Residents Committee and will be distributed over the next several weeks. The minister noted this information will also be shared with landlords at a workshop hosted by the Winnipeg Police Service on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. at William Whyte School, 200 Powers St. Pre-registration is required by emailing
More information about resources available to landlords and tenants is available at, by calling 204-945-2476 or 1-800-782-8403 (toll-free), or by emailing To learn more about the public safety investigation unit and how to file a confidential complaint, visit or call 204-945-3475 or 1-800-954-9361 (toll-free).