The prevalence of horrific violent incidents fuelled by meth addicts has become a top-of-mind issue for Winnipeg residents this year – and one candidate for Mayor says it is even worse than voters are aware. And as an active police officer with decades handling drug traffickers and informants, Tim Diack ( would know.
In this interview, Diack discusses how a campaign photo of a former Mayor spurred his concern about how criminals were able to blend into the community. Diack tells how police work is hampered by archaic and outdated computer systems and equipments creates a lack of efficiences, causing police to waste time on shift – and that this contributes to a 911 “emergency” system that is overloaded and unresponsive. His insight into police work is unique and concern for victims of crime – including parents forced to apply for non-contact Orders on their own children – is unquestioned.
In this edition of the Winnipeg Watchdog, Diack briefly outlines these points to Marty Gold and warns that the meth situation is even worse than media outlets report on, as every first responder and ER worker is at risk.