Two People Died on Manitoba Roads This Weekend

Manitoba Post StaffNews

WINNIPEG – Manitoba RCMP responded to two fatal collisions on the weekend.

Police say on Saturday afternoon there was a single-vehicle collision on Highway 83, approximately 10 kilometres south of Virden. A car had left the highway on the east side of the road, struck the ditch and rolled several times.

The driver, a 42-year-old man, was not wearing his seatbelt. He was ejected from the vehicle and pronounced dead on scene. A 31-year-old male passenger was wearing his seatbelt and was uninjured in the collision. Both men were from Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation.

The RCMP said that alcohol and speed are suspected to be factors in the collision.

The second fatal collision was Sunday just after midnight on Highway 26 in the RM of St. Francois Xavier. Police believe that the vehicle was headed northbound into St. Francois Xavier when it veered onto the east shoulder, then crossed over and struck the west ditch, where it rolled.

A 28-year-old man from St. Francois Xavier was the driver and lone occupant. He was not wearing his seatbelt and was ejected from the car. He was taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Police do not believe that alcohol was a factor in the collision, however it appears speed may have played a role.