WINNIPEG – The city of Winnipeg has revised its flood warnings and is now advising a reduction in the number of properties that will require sandbagging.
Due to favourable weather conditions, the number of properties that could be at risk has been reduced to 18 properties from the 123 that were previously identified.
The peak is expected to arrive in Winnipeg over the Easter Long Weekend. Property owners that may be affected are being contacted directly by the city and sandbags will be provided.
The City is not putting out a call for volunteers to assist property owners with sandbagging efforts at this time.
Additional precipitation or a change in ice conditions could alter the number of properties at risk. The City will continue to monitor river levels and weather conditions, while working closely with the Province of Manitoba, to adapt protection measures accordingly and release additional flood bulletins when necessary.
If a property owner has not heard from the City and believes their property is at risk of river flooding, they can contact 311.
The City continues to undertake other flood mitigation activities, including monitoring river levels and ice movement, making preparations for temporary and permanent pumping, closing river gates and sealing manholes.
As of 2:08 p.m. on Tuesday, April 9, the river level at the James Avenue gauge was 12.42 feet. River levels are available online at City of Winnipeg – River Levels and updated in real time every 10 minutes.