WINNIPEG, MB. – In response to comments made in the media regarding the use of the Air -1 Police helicopter for a film shoot, the Winnipeg Police issued the following statement:
“Addressing some recent media commentary, including a statement by the Mayor, the Winnipeg Police Service can confirm that the Service’s helicopter (Air-1) was used in a film shoot. The flight time for the actual shoot was 72 minutes, including flight time from the hangar and back. It was never more than a few seconds from city limits.
The request to use the helicopter came from the city’s Manager of Film and Special Events to help meet critical resource and production timelines. The request was assessed and was deemed a low risk. A contract was prepared involving the City’s Manager of Materials Management and Legal Services. Production contracts are considered confidential; however our costs were assessed at a cost recovery basis only. At no time did Air-1 carry passengers, cargo or lift anything for the shoot. No incidents requiring Air-1 to divert occurred during its use.
In a statement earlier today the City of Winnipeg Corporate Communications stated it fully supports the film industry through goods and services, and has done so in the past through multiple departments, through the use of civic assets, personnel, and equipment. One recent example of City assets and crews being utilized for a film shoot was the use of the Arlington Bridge in September 2017, which was closed for five days to facilitate a production.
In the spirit of community and civic engagement the Police Service was able to assist the CAO’s Office and the film industry in Manitoba, which we understand has brought more than one billion to the local economy in the past decade.”
Laura Manning, Manitoba Post
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