Wins This Weekend puts Both Bisons Basketball Team’s in the Playoff’s


WINNIPEG, MB – Both, women’s and men’s Manitoba Bison’s basketball team’s are looking to win their way into playoff spots this weekend.

The women, who are hoping to make their first playoff appearance, are playing their last games of the regular season on the road at the Fraser Valley Cascades February 2 and 3. The men’s team, also on the road this weekend, are playing to make their fourth playoff run, will play Fraser Valley.

The Top 12 teams qualify for the CW playoffs. The top 12 teams are then ranked 1 to 12 based on each team’s Rating Percentage Index (RPI) standing. The women are ranked 11th in CW standings and RPI rankings. The men are, tied, ranked for fifth in CW standings and eighth in RPI rankings heading into weekend series.

David Marshal, Manitoba Post

Photo – gobisons.a