WINNIPEG – The Winnipeg Police have released a ‘snapshot’ of their week between December 24 and January 1.
They received 7,559 – 911 calls with December 27th yielding the highest volume at 1439 total calls. There were also 3,412 non-emergency calls bringing the total up to 10,971 calls for the 911 service.
December 28 had the busiest hour where between 10pm and 11pm, 121 calls for service were received.
Domestic and well-being calls dominated with 424, and 425 respectively as well as 168 B&E calls, 12 Shots, 16 Stab, 24 Gun, 48 Weapon and 2 Homicides.
224 Arrests were made over the holiday week and a New Year’s Eve melee at a downtown hotel resulted in $10,000 damage to a suite, a table thrown out of a 7 storey window, an assault on a police officer, and an arrest for a second degree murder warrant for Michael Caribou. The incident required over 20 police and cadets to attend as they encountered people with weapons, several fights, and an over-intoxicated and unruly crowd. At one point officers were surrounded and assaulted.