Two Men on Winnipeg’s Most Wanted List

Manitoba Post StaffNews

WINNIPEG – Law enforcement agencies in Manitoba provide pictures and details of individuals that are wanted by police in their communities.

The Manitoba Post brings you those details and photos of wanted people in our province on a weekly basis. Please share them with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

Brent McDougall

Brent McDougall was charged and convicted of Assault Causing Bodily Harm and Uttering Threats. He was sent to prison for 25 months.

Brent McDougall was let out early on April 24th, 2018 on Statutory Release, but a week later disappeared and hasn’t been hear from since. His release is cancelled and replaced with a Canada wide warrant.

Douglas Smith

Douglas Smith has multiple warrants in effect for his arrest, including an incident that occurred on May 23rd, 2018 where he attempted to break into a building located in the 200 block of Dumoulin Street. Douglas Smith damaged a door, but did not gain entry.

If you have information about either of these men, call Winnipeg Crime Stoppers at 204-786-8477 (local) or 1-800-222-8477 (toll free).